How To Select An Organic Food Market

Sara on April 15th, 2010

Organic food markets are the best place to shop for natural products. They are an alternative to hypermarket stands although the merchandise is virtually the same. Lots of people who go shopping in organic food markets are interested in encouraging local food production and small businesses that deal in organics. You won’t find too many […]

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Are you the parent of a young child who you would like to eat healthy?  If you are, you may be interested in introducing your child to organic foods.  Unfortunately, for some parents this can be easier said than done.  If you are finding it difficult to introduce your toddler or preschooler to organic foods, […]

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Sara on November 18th, 2009

Caution and common sense are the best protection against food poisoning. Food that has been improperly processed or stored provides an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, molds and yeasts. Most of these microorganisms will simply caused food to spoil; a few, however, can lead to uncomfortable, sometimes dangerous, illness. Toxins (poisons) in bacteria […]

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Sara on October 10th, 2009

Generally, people expect to have three meals a day – breakfast, lunch(dinner), dinner(supper). The midday and evening meals are a cultural choice. For example, farmers who work hard during planting and harvesting often expect and need a hot, full meal at noon. They expend so much effort in the morning that they need to replace […]

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Sara on September 24th, 2009

Canning Canned foods, either commercially canned or home canned, lose vitamins and minerals with time. This loss, however, is reduced when the cans are kept slightly cooler than room temperature. Most canned foods can be stored for a year if they are kept in a temperature between 50 and 70 degrees F. After opening a […]

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Sara on September 21st, 2009

Freezing When food is to be stored for extended periods of time, extra care must be taken to prevent spoilage and retain as many nutrients as possible. In most cases, freezing is the best way to accomplish this. Freezing usually helps maintain good food color, texture, and flavor. Uncooked meats, fish, poultry, hard cheeses, milk, […]

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Sara on September 18th, 2009

Air, light, moisture, and heat can make food spoil and break down nutrients. Knowing the best way to store foods can preserve food value, reduce spoilage, and prevent formation of harmful bacteria that can make foods toxic – and, sometimes, fatal. Refrigeration In general, the shorter the storage time and the cooler the temperature, the […]

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Sara on September 9th, 2009

Meats, Poultry, and Seafood Cooking meats gently enough to retain vitamins and minerals while reducing the saturated fat content is tricky business. The leanest cuts of red meats, which are the most healthful, usually are prepared using long cooking times and moist heat, such as pot roasting, stewing, and braising. These methods result in greater […]

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Sara on September 7th, 2009

Foods must be prepared sensibly to keep their flavor and food value. Unwise preparation and cooking methods can destroy valuable vitamins, ruin food texture, or add too much unnecessary fat, sugar, or salt. One of the most common, unnecessary cooking practices is adding salt or sugar to food. Many cooks automatically pour salt, or sometimes […]

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Sara on February 26th, 2009

Gymnema sylvestre is a plant native to tropical regions of India and has a lengthy record of use in the treatment of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Giving Gymnema extract to Type 1 diabetics helped to reduce insulin requirements and improve blood glucose regulation. When 400 mg/day of Gymnema extract was given to […]

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